Exhibitor Info
We Believe Every Client Is a Valuable Long-Term Partner

Our practice has always been to treat all writers and artists who are showing or selling exclusively their own comic book related work as guests, and provide them one table at no charge. Anyone who is primarily selling the work of others is considered a vendor, for whom we charge a table fee.
Many of the professionals who live in our region attend most years, forming a core of "regular" guests. Guest invitations to the regulars are sent in mid January.
Each year, we try to add a few "featured" guests who may not have previously attended, may reside farther away, or may be asked to participate in Ithaca College's academic programs. We are always open to suggestions for guests, and we begin discussions with possible featured guests about 6 months in advance. As one of the last pure fan conventions, with membership prices being very modest, we typically cannot pay appearance fees, although we may be able to cover travel and lodging expenses.
Guests may be invited for one or both days. We usually have space on Sunday for beginning artists or those who have very limited published (including self-published) work.
Please remember that ITHACON is primarily a comic book convention. While we welcome fellow travelers in gaming, horror, and media, our limited space and resources are focused on comic book creators, so we may not be able to accommodate requests from those with only a marginal link to comics.
If you have a suggestion about a possible guest - including yourself! - please contact us at guests@ithacon.org.
Publishing companies, game companies, and similar businesses that are related to comic books may be offered free tables but are not usually reimbursed for expenses. Contact us at vendors@ithacon.org and tell us about your business.
Comic book stores and dealers, anyone selling mass-produced items or primarily the work of others (as for example an art dealer), clothing and merchandise vendors would be considered a vendor. Send inquiries as to table availability to vendors@ithacon.org and include a description of what you sell, and your Web site if you have one. Being a small convention, we avoid having several vendors selling essentially similar items, as that tends not to work out well for either the vendors or the convention attendees.
As with guests, we have several "regular" vendors who have supported and vended at Ithacon for many years. Invitations to the regular vendors are typically sent in December.
Table fees for 2024 are $75. for the first 6' table and $50. for each additional table. As always, these are exhibition fees, not table rentals - they are not assignable, and you may not sublet space without requesting permission in advance.
Last updated January 20, 2024
We manage guest invitations and exhibitor/vendor requests via Email:
guests@ithacon.org for Guests
vendors@ithacon.org for Vendors and Exhibitors
If you are expecting information from us, please check your Spam email folder!
Facebook postings and messages and other forms of Internet messaging will be responded to slowly or not at all, as different volunteers manage those resources.